Cookies Policy

Our website uses cookies and other web technologies ("CAPTCHA's") to improve our website's performance and to enhance your browsing experience. Our website also uses cookies to better understand our visitors so we can offer them a more personalised browsing experience.

A cookie allows our website to store tokens of information (an "identifier") in your browser, used only by us when you use our website. We do not use cookies to try and establish the personal identity of anyone visiting our website. Cookies are simply used to help us track traffic patterns, track your interests while you browse the internet, so we can tailor more relevant advertising to you, and to understand what is important to you.

If you do not want to receive a cookie from our website, you have the option of setting your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, so that you may determine whether to accept it or not. However, please be aware that if you do turn off 'cookies' in your browser, you will not be able to fully use some of the features on our website, such as our automatic log-in feature.

The cookies used by website perform four different functions, as detailed below:

  • 'Session' cookies remain in your browser during your browser session only, i.e. until you leave the website.
  • 'Persistent' cookies remain in your browser after the session (unless deleted by you).
  • Performance' cookies collect information about your use of the website, such as webpages visited and any error messages; they do not collect personally identifiable information, and the information collected is aggregated such that it is anonymous. Performance cookies are used to improve how a website works.
  • 'Functionality' cookies allow the website to remember any choices you make about the website (such as changes to text size, customised pages) or enable services such as commenting on a blog.

These cookies collect information relating to the origin of your visit, where you were exposed to our advertising, what advertising feature you saw, whether you arrived directly or indirectly to our website, the device you used to visit our website and which downloads you performed. This information is collected on an anonymous basis via third party suppliers.

In addition, we also utilise cookies on certain pages of our website to communicate with third party data suppliers in order to extrapolate your digital behaviour. This help us to understand and target more relevant advertising in the future. The information we receive is all aggregate and anonymous, but will include statistics such as demographics, online behaviour, product interests and lifestyle. Targeting and tracking cookies are provided via trusted third party suppliers. Should you require more information regarding our suppliers and how these cookies operate please contact us.